The timing of this Council Plan is important as we put in place the support and investment to re-ignite our powerful and innovative economy, and make our places safe, attractive, and sustainable for future generations. Future stages of the Local Plan are being planned to progress alongside the Spatial Development Strategy (SDS) and more details will be provided as the SDS reaches criticial milestones. The Climate Emergency declaration has given fresh impetus to tackling climate change in South Gloucestershire, and the local plan provides a crucial opportunity to make significant progress. The Phase 2 consultation ran from 7 February 2022 to 4 April 2022. Economic health South Gloucestershires Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2018 was 12,865m, ranking us 11th highest GDP of all local authorities in England outside of London. 87% of our primary schools are rated Good or Outstanding. To do this, we increasingly need to have commercial ambitions and will continue to invest in land and property where there is a robust financial business case to generate a return on investment. The neighbourhoods that are within walkable distance of key facilities and services; are adjacent to key public transport hubs including UWE, Cribbs Causeway, Yate shopping centre or within ideal walking distance of rail stations with good services to key destinations, will be considered for reduced minimum car parking provision as the choice of travel options favours non-car travel. Topic-based policies might also cover detailed issues, like transport management, or how standards in relation to carbon reduction in new developments are required, or specific design principles in relation to extensions. Our aim is to promote vibrant, mixed-use town centres with active public spaces, commercial, education, leisure, and cultural facilities. At this stage, the intention is for all of these policies to be contained within a single Local Plan Document. This masterplan should set the overall strategy for the site, and provide the context for more detailed development proposals. Electric Vehicle charging in local plan policy. There are approximately 6,000 children living in poverty in South Gloucestershire, a statistic which goes to the heart of our priority to invest in education and skills, tackle inequality and create the best start in life for our children and young people. They outline the number and types of homes, jobs, services and facilities, as well as infrastructure that will be expected to be developed in South Gloucestershire. Meeting the needs of our Gypsy/ Traveller & TravellingShowpeoplecommunities, 8. Fossil fuel based energy installations will no longer be acceptable. In addition to a NSIP application, local authorities may be the decision maker for any elements of associated or related development not included within the main DCO application, and national policy will be a material consideration in determining these applications as appropriate. 1) Context and IdentityPara 127 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires that developments are, sympathetic to local character and history, including the surrounding built environment and landscape setting, while not preventing or discouraging appropriate innovation or change (such as increased densities).. In order to deliver on these objectives, to inform consultation responses and seek efficiency of working and common ground, the Council will: Take a collaborative partnership approach on NSIPs, working with scheme promoters local communities and relevant Government agencies, statutory undertakers, public bodies non statutory organisations and other neighbouring local authorities in seeking to ensure that the socio economic, environmental and transport benefits and legacy of the project are maximised and negative impacts minimised and/or compensated for. Set out whether a carbon offsetting contribution is required to mitigate any remaining carbon emissions. We want to enhance private sector investment in our communities and amplify our voice to ensure we get recognition, and funding, from the Government which better reflects our contribution. South Gloucestershire Council 05:00, 24 FEB 2023 Are Bradley Stoke and Kingswood part of Bristol? Although the specific criteria has not been finalised it is expected that a percentage reduction will be based on the individual site circumstances and accessibility, for example looking at current on street parking issues as well as access to services and facilities and alternative modes of transport. Along with other relevant policies in the plan, this policy will be a material consideration in assessing individual planning and waste applications, notifications and any consultations related to the decommissioning of Oldbury power station. We have a valued heritage and green spaces and businesses that command high ambition and a presence on the global stage. They also indicate how we are looking to review, and eventually replace our existing range of planning policies. We want to ensure that all South Gloucestershire residents lead safe and healthy lives and that they enjoy good quality health and social care which focuses on their individual needs and enables them to retain their independence. Area Specific: Planning for Yate and Chipping Sodbury, 68. For example, given the need to raise awareness of business opportunities to ensure that local companies can meet the requirements of the nuclear industry; as well as the need to ensure the availability of suitably qualified workforce both for construction and operation, early engagement in the pre-application phase will be required in respect of eduction, training, skills and supply chain strategies. Given the importance of decommissioning, it is recognised that priority should be given to uses that facilitate the decommissioning of the existing station. Contributions to the Local Authority and/or other appropriate and agreed organisations to mitigate or where appropriate offset any adverse impacts, additional demands and/or harm caused by the project. It will be important therefore to assess the predicted impacts of the project over time, in order to determine either their acceptability or whether additional control measures and/or mitigation are required. Accelerating the decarbonisation and decentralisation of the energy system in the UK is essential to mitigating climate change. New and updated Call for Sites information and submissions are being accepted whilst the Phase 2 consultation is open. The public consultation on our plan to introduce restrictions on the rights of homeowners to convert existing housing into houses in multiple occupation in the Stoke Park and Cheswick ward, and parts of the Filton ward closed on 31 January 2023. South Gloucestershire Council to drop regional growth plan 15 January 2020 Getty Images The regional scheme outlined plans for 105,000 new homes A second council is set to abandon the joint. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? The financial contribution required is set at 95 per tonne of carbon dioxide (or index linked equivalent from date of plan adoption) that would be emitted from the development over a period of 30 years. Where public realm is required or provided, it should be accessible, attractive, functional, safe, varied, and interesting, to encourage social interaction. In order to meet the objectives outlined in the plan the Council proposes to future proof development now in order to allow for an electric vehicle revolution. can demonstrate wider environmental benefits associated with increased production of energy from renewable or low carbon sources; orc. This is also supported by existing information on vehicles ownership and use in South Gloucestershire gathered through the 2011 census, however it is recognised that this was gathered nine years ago and a new census is due in 2021. We then engaged further on these through wider public consultation between May and July 2020.Through the consultation we received support for those initial priorities that had been informed and guided by engagement with local people and other stakeholders. The use of larger windows for habitable rooms will be supported; d) The orientation and siting of buildings contribute to the definition of the public realm and the visual quality of the street scene, where building facades and front doors face the street, to promote overlooking and activity within the public realm. Our Scrutiny Commission will also have a key role in monitoring delivery of the Council Plan as well as carrying out their policy development role as the Plan develops and is implemented. Our Local Strategic Partnership will have a particularly prominent role on those issues which require a joined-up approach across multiple partners, most notably in tackling the Climate Emergency, our ambitions to enhance educational attainment and in closing the inequality gap, Priority 1 Creating the best start in life for our children and young people. Doing so would help meet the Councils carbon reduction and renewable energy generation targets set out in emerging Local Plan 2020 policy Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) Buildings and public realm have been provided which have potential to be adaptable over time, to accommodate a range of uses and potential occupiers, being socially inclusive, accessible and tenure blind. As a comparator that indicates the likely scale and complexity of large scale NNB, recent proposals for Wylfa Newydd on the Isle of Anglesey indicate: A nominated 236ha site, and a total site development/ construction area of 409ha Estimated 9 year construction period, and 60 years operation, 20 years decommissioning Design parameters for aspects of the development, with later details to be approved by the local authority A theoretical maximum of 9000 construction workers at peak 850 permanent jobs plus 1000 for periodic reactor maintenance On site accommodation for up to 4000 construction workers, Park and Ride for 1900 cars, and a logistics centre with capacity for up to 100 HGV Diversion of the coastal path inland around the NNB site Extensive on site landscaped areas plus off site ecological compensation areas Long term radioactive waste and spent fuel stores Site preparation and online highway improvement applications to the local authority. This policy must work in combination with other aspects of the plan and also changes likely to happen outside of planning. The map below shows the indicative areas that will require an SGC Accessibility Assessment. Design measures can help to reduce the need for heating and cooling, as well as power. The Policies, Sites and Places (PSP) plan forms part of the South Gloucestershire Local Plan, together with the Core Strategy and Joint Waste Core Strategy. Mitigation primarily means minimising greenhouse gas emissions from the development. Nuclear power stations are national infrastructure sites, hosted by local communities on behalf of the nation. Where possible, our priority is to prioritise development where it supports regeneration of existing town centres, high streets and communities and promotes the sustainability of existing services. More information on the RESPD can be found here. We have provided examples of how we will put the priorities and commitments into action and we are backing each commitment with a bespoke action plan, setting out what we will do and how you will know we are delivering value for money services, which are making a difference for your community. Applications for Development Consent Orders (DCOs) for NSIPs are made to the Planning Inspectorate (PINs), who examine and test the proposals against criteria on national need, benefits and impacts as set out in relevant policy. 2.6 A Stroud District Local Plan Transport Group was set up in 2017 to progress partnership working on the Stroud District Local Plan transport matters. However, the local planning authority may also highlight local issues and local planning policy that are considered to be important and relevant that the examining body can take into account when assessing and making recommendations on a DCO application. In establishing a character or identity of a development, the surrounding context is important to consider and reference. These should include governance arrangements, plans and mechanisms to cover the full range of impacts, to assess compliance with KPIs, the adequacy of mitigation, compensation or community benefits and to ensure that any necessary adjustments to mitigation can be agreed and made as necessary. In line with this guidance, site operators are required to produce a Waste Management Plan, a Site Wide Environmental Safety Case, and strategies to keep the risk of radiation exposure to people as low as reasonably achievable, taking into account economic and social factors. Nationally Important Infrastructure Projects (NSIPS) and related development, Parking Requirements, including Electric Vehicles. Proposals for the management or storage of radioactive waste, or the disposal of low level and or very low level waste at the Oldbury licensed site, will only be permitted where they are strongly justified and it is demonstrated that all of the following criteria are met: a) Waste is managed at the highest practicable level of the waste hierarchy; andb) Regard has been given to the proximity principle, and the need to minimise impacts on communities along transport routes from the site, andc) The environmental, social and economic impacts are acceptable and the benefits outweigh any negative effects; andd) Mechanisms are put in place to ensure appropriate records are kept and knowledge of the location, extent and nature of material remaining on site is available to plan makers, regulators, owners of the land and decision makers into the future, ande) The site will be controlled and regulated appropriately to ensure public health and environmental safety; andf) Measures are in place to mitigate risks from flood and climate change; andg) Issues such as perceived risk are fully addressed and explained, andh) Appropriate Community Benefits are secured to offset the intergenerational delay in the release and restoration of part of the Oldbury site, and to counter-balance any perceived impacts and negative perceptions from the presence of LLW on the site. Passive Provision:Establishing all of the associated cables, chambers and junctions to allow for charging points to be installed without the need for undertaking works that require breaking ground. Up to the point of consent, the local authority role on NSIPs is largely discretionary and is as a consultee to the planning and examination process. In line with the emerging Local Plan 2020 policy on NSIPs Council engagement in the preparation of a strategic masterplan on decommissioning should be appropriately resourced via a Planning Performance Agreement or other suitable mechanism. This is above the national average (8.0) and the same as the South West average (also 8.7). It is also important that any residual cooling demand is addressed sustainably, in order to avoid overheating risks and avoid the need for air conditioning. Suitable disposal options will also need to be appropriately regulated and controlled and comply with other relevant plans, such as the West of England Joint Waste Core Strategy. The Councils evidence shows that on certain sites and types of development much higher standards can be achieved on-site, and this will be encouraged. Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) The siting, form, scale, height, massing, detailing, colour and materials of the development respect, and are informed by, the positive locally-distinctive qualities of both the site and its surrounding context; and. when there are predicted to be maximum numbers of e.g. We want to promote healthy lifestyles by controlling the number and type of new takeaways near schools by updating our existing approach set out in policy PSP35 (Food and Drink Uses). secure local economic benefits. The document includes a set of planning policies for the parts of the area outside Exmoor National Park. The Assessment is expected to be undertaken by the developer as part of their Transport Assessment/Statement. Income generation for community infrastructure purposes does not form a material consideration in planning decisions. Select the one which you are looking for and the map will automatically zoom and centre on this location. At this stage, two policy options are presented under criterion 1. In planning this new housing, we must recognise the need to protect our natural habitats and biodiversity. The West Somerset Local Plan was adopted in November 2016. . Developments should be adaptable over time to reduce the need for redevelopment processes; b) Locally-sourced and sustainable materials will be used where appropriate to minimise energy use and embodied carbon emissions; c) Climate adaptation has been maximised, with resilience to projected climate change, through the orientation, aspect, and siting of development to optimise solar gain, while avoiding creating potential for over-heating over the lifetime of the development; and. They have a role to play not just at the West of England scale but also at the local level, where they can provide a space-efficient alternative to driving, where walking, cycling and public transport trips are not possible. The Guidance will also provide detail on the information required for compliance with the Energy Management in New Development policy and the related clauses of the Creating well-designed places policy.
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