You might also allow Reverend Bingo Allison to appear on television and in newspapers in his lipstick and earrings, knowing full well that the bishops do not approve of Holy Matrimony between two men. She was seeing Pluto in Aquarius and the impact on Millennials born with the outer planets in Aquarius: the water-bearers. The whole thing does have a heavily fated quality about it. Russia Beyond actually published a correction on their website: CORRECTION: The article previously stated that the uniform Prince Harry wore is that of the Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards. No one in the Royal family will trust them again.So what now! Pretty big news for the Church of England and Justin Welby he has one job, leading the Anglican church, and he seems to be playing it really badly. You did call the War of the Roses. In the meantime, those of us who follow you know the truth and value of your work. If I put it in a simple way. We have also been hoodwinked for a lot of this. That being said, I do not think we have wanted to think badly of him, or her for that matter, and have generally reserved judgement, whilst being aware of pings to our radar. Shes performing. Its time for wigs on judges. Something Ive found really odd is the pictures of the late Queen and Prince Philip as a young couple participating in a druid-style ceremony in a wood somewhere. We have the actress. And then finally the 25 Taliban. You can think of the planets as symbolizing core parts of the human personality, and the signs as different colors of consciousness through which they filter. Georgina has predicted that Harry and Meghan's marriage won't last. I was thinking about the astrology of March 2023 and Plutos ingress in Aquarius (usually the end of a royal system) and thinking about how much easier all our lives would be, in the Commonwealth, if The Firm actually operated like a professional multinational organisation and appointed its CEO and other leadership, based on merit and interest, not gender and place in the family. He says he loves and respects the Queen and yet at the same time he is writing a book that he knows will undermine the very institution that she dedicated her life to. Fantastic work by you as always and love reading your blogs. (The White House was also rocked in the date given; impeachment proceedings began against Donald Trump). Wonder what all the apparent deliberate claims/counterclaims strategy is about? Could it suggest a future chief impact officer (!) Re the Squidgy-gate situation, she (PT) observed: We are witnessing a silent revolution- a revolution whose most alarming volley of shots was fired in 1992. Styles reportedly introduced Rowe to his mom and sister around the holidays before he spent New Year's Eve with Rowe in LA. We are being played Thank you for publishing this. (Both images come from different photographers, licensed from different agencies). Once we are past March and the crisis for the Church of England and Charles, I will look at Dianas chart again. Dear Jessica thank you for such a detailed and intricate analysis, and the myriad of comments are fascinating. Apple TV. Once people wake up to the deceit, they become defiant about the truth, and the games over. Instead, shortly before she was beheaded, she gave birth to a premature, redheaded male infant, by the locksmith-jailer Moner Hughes, who smuggled the infant out of prison, and named him William Moner, to hide the truth from Henry. You will be dominated by a person, situation or organisation which can only be handled by using willpower and self-control. In addition, to split the United Kingdom (so Scotland, for example, may aim for independence). I had hoped that he would find the family life that William seems to have achieved but that seems to be escaping him I think he has a lot of heartache ahead but I really hope that his next relationship will be the one to bring him home in every way. Welby told Italian paper La Repubblica (re-printed in The Guardian) that H&M were ONLY legally married at the official wedding, stating certificate is a legal doc and so would have been illegal for him to sign it if theyd previously secretly wed. Also you need 5 people present in England for legal marriage not 3. The Queen is being shown an ancient piece of parchment. "I think everyone, including myself, has your own journey with figuring out sexuality and getting more comfortable with it," he said of the period drama and its universal themes. Its just as questionable as the Taliban admission in Spare. Diana was very attracted to exotic countries. I always go to the astrology for the truth. Why did PH insist the paragraph about the Taliban went in? Quantum theory has explanations for the mystical. I also agree with you re Andrew. Thank you. Harry Styles, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Aquarius Biography at Wikipedia ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS Sun in Aquarius 1153' Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign People born under the sign of Aquarius are influenced by two different planets. He is in the press today defending inaccuracies in the book. On the longer original video, he says he will make a video on Markus Anderson as promised about a year ago & he apologises for the delay. Their bishops have refused to back gay marriage. I dont buy the message that Harry and Meghan (particularly the latter) are being attacked to divert from Andrew. It looks like Andrew, Harry, some people in the SNP are being played. H & M legal marriage certificate is the day of the big wedding. Meghan Markle will lose the title, Duchess of Sussex. I agree with everyone that we are being played and I keep hearing who is directing it ?and who is the producer of this shakespearen drama in front of us? He works for This is all beginning to look like the best play Shakespeare never wrote. This sounds like the throne, proper, to me. Beyond the US-UK partnership of old, the other sitting duck is the Commonwealth, of course. Harry Styles are advised to be very calm and balanced in Harry Styles's approach towards different situations in life. Harrys astrology chart shows that Ninth House story (foreigners and foreign countries; foreign affairs and foreign interests) really clearly. The Oprah Winfrey interview is not properly explained or accounted for, nor the timing of it, when Prince Philip was in the final weeks of his life, in hospital. Thanks for your amazing work. I wondered about a prediction made by someone that the late HM Queen Elizabeth would not pass on the crown to her children which could mean instead the crown passes to a grandchild. When the Church of England formed its American branch it was called the Episcopal Church. For most of the time celebrity culture passes us by but now and then something is so wrong that it just does not let up in our consciousness. Will William be the last King of England? You can bet Charles III has done similar levels of research on stamps; my money would be on a difficult situation where the postal industry cannot wait but he cannot go out with a stamp which would be withdrawn later. Sex and money. There are flags, pillars, shields, and hieroglyphs etched on panels on the walls. I know Spare has become the fastest-selling non-fiction title in British history, and the paperback edition will make Harry a huge amount of money in royalties but, but, but. 1. This year is shown astrologically to be a time of great instability for Britain. Your Jane Eyre image is a Virgo archetype. Soho House, a place where the establishment, younger royals and the wealthy hang out (also a good place for the spooks to hang out I would have thought) and where H met M. Julie x. How very interesting that Henry VIII may have married Anne Boleyn twice. A lot of people can see that she is not Diana and never will be. It has taken me until 2023 to finally realise we are being played. It is interesting to note also that Meghan Markle was raised in the Episcopal Church, later attending a Catholic school. I havent seen or heard anything of Meg? Thank you. This actually happens to Prince William too. Millions of pounds were pumped into the Conservative party by Russian interests, and Russian oligarchs found supporters in the House of Lords. Harry claims to have slammed Hamlet shut, but Spare is reminiscent of the play. It is all curiouser & curiouser. We are entering Pluto in Aquarius, so a cycle when Boudicca and Elizabeth I led Merrie England. He made his debut as a singer with his band White Eskimo, who performed locally in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, England. Styles may have ignited a part of Wilde that lay dormant for a while. We may lie with our words, but our bodies are not wired to do so and will betray us. Whatever it means, it meant to me some sort of US connection. I know this whole saga has another level of intrigue and control added with the USA/ Russia connection but I think it has also shone a light on M&H. Harry Styles | Official Website A slight angle change and different lens can distort size quite a bit. Im not saying Cleos time exactly, but the deception is very real, and there are other parts of the story that likely resonate. I cant help looking at the Jupiter, North Node and Uranus stellium in Taurus (big business) in May and thinking, this is a terrific chance for The Firm to actually become businesslike. Of course an underage monarch doesnt need a regent. Hitler called Queen Elizabeth (later the Queen Mother) the most dangerous woman in Europe. Emma. Harry Styles birth chart, Harry Styles kundli and Harry Styles horoscope by based date of birth, time of birth and place of birth of Harry Styles . Intuitive or psychic people sense that and that is why everybody is so concerned. This may actually be just astrology of course which works even when you dont believe in it. Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. At that very point I saw Kanga again very clearly and experienced an icy cold wave that swept over me followed by an overwhelming sense of fear. Thank you for putting it up and lots of thank-yous to all the members and readers who have contributed, near 400 replies now. The Church of Englands rules are: marriage can only happen with two witnesses present. Questionable for so many different reasons. Please also let me know the cost you dont have to publish this thanks but I dont mind if published. Jessica, a fascinating reveal and questioning from you about Archie!! Im psychic too and dont do enough with it but Spirit are calling me back to doing light work again. We are back at Lambeth Palace again. Together with dismay already expressed by some re the 100million payment. The amazing thing about astrology is that we have birth charts going back centuries as monarchs traditionally had astrologers, so we can see why this nadir is not new. You are too kind and this is a lovely thing to read at the end of the working day. As for Meghans lumps and bumps, I remember the questions about recording devices you mention.
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