They can migrate into the lungs and cause internal bleeding, as well as damage to the liver. This is a topical application that only needs to be applied once a month, making it easy to use. Yes The cap can then be removed, and the entire contents of the vial applied by parting the fur and applying to the skin along the back of the neck in front of the shoulders where a kitty cannot reach to lick it off of himself. A prescription from your veterinarian is required in order to use Revolution on your cat. You can't just pick up a bottle of this stuff at the corner store--you'll need to get it through your veterinarian. I have cat anywhere from 7 to 11 lbs and I don't see the Revolution for their weight. This doesnt mean the product isnt working. Persian cats are so expensive because the breed is highly coveted and beautiful. Supply and demand, I guess. Usually, Bravecto is a spot-on treatment that is applied to the back of your cat's neck. It's a small brownish-red wingless insect that may shortly multiply . Read more here. In certain parasitic worms like roundworms and in arthropods like fleas, GABA inhibits nerve conduction. For best results, it is recommended that you bathe your pet prior to applying Revolution. Any product containing an isoxazoline carries this warning, but I dont think its known how often this occurs. } If your dog requires treatment and control of heartworm, sarcoptic mange or ear mites, Revolution might be the best choice. With any parasite product it is worth mentioning that although they get to work quite quickly, you may still see fleas in your home for a little while after the initial application if you are dealing with an existing parasite issue. My product says that 90% of cats respond well to it. Now, place the tip of the pipette on the cat's skin between the shoulder blades and squeeze the entire liquid onto the skin in one spot where the cat cannot lick the content. Some dogs with sensitive skin can also have local reactions to spot-on products. Revolution plus for cats is a great way to prevent these pests from infecting your pet. Revolution may take a little longer to kill off existing adult fleas but on balance it does seem like the better product. It also prevents flea bites and ear mite infestations, making it an easy way to help keep your pet healthy. After applying Revolution, your cat will have protection against fleas, ticks, heartworm, and ear mites for up to 30 days. When a flea or tick ingests selamectin, chloride ions are released into the brain and nerves that can paralyze it. .medication-table .table-row .item{ width: 115px; Revolution for Cats is a broad-spectrum, topical formula that works on both external and internal parasites for one month. } For several days it affected her nervous system, hwr pupils were large, she was tired, then she got somewhat hyper. .medication-table a{ text-align: center; Revolution, for example, demonstrated in clinical trials more than 90% control of flea infestations within 30 days of the first dose. Fleas, worms, and ticks not only irritate our pets but can also transmit disease. Isoxazolines like sarolaner have been associated with adverse neurologic signs in some pets, including, I am completely satisfied, I found useful information and tips in this article, Article was somewhat helpful, but could be improved. Revolution Spot-On for cats is a multi-spectrum treatment that protects against fleas, heartworms, ear mites, and intestinal worms including roundworms and hookworms. Topical liquid solution This means that it can help to break the flea life cycle and prevent an infestation from taking hold. I mistakingly put a 5 lb revolution on my 10 pound cat Can I put another one on her? font-size: 20px!important; With REVOLUTION, you can rest assured that your pet is getting the best possible care. Bengal cats are some of the most expensive cat breeds in the world. Fortunately, there are products available that can help protect dogs against many different types of parasites. Revolution for cats kills adult fleas, prevents flea eggs from hatching, and is useful in prevention and control of flea infestations. Dr. Vanderhoof is also a copywriter specializing in the animal health field and founder of Paramount Animal Health Writing Solutions, which can be found at www.animalhealthco on Revolution Plus For Cats: Overview, Dosage & Side Effects, For more information about the original Revolution product and more insight on how it compares to Revolution Plus, see, Treats and controls two intestinal parasites (roundworms and hookworms), Treats and controls ear mite infestations, Prevents infection with mosquito-borne heartworms, While Revolution Plus for cats has been established as a safe product, the active ingredients may be found in other products in combination with other ingredients that are not safe for cats. It is also recommended for pets with existing heartworm disease. If you have any questions about application or safety for Revolution Plus or any topical product, make sure to get in touch with your veterinarian. (I didn't even touch it, my vet gave it too her and I was careful not too touch that area where it was applied). Laboratory studies demonstrated that more than 98% of existing fleas were killed within 36 hours of application of the product and future flea infestations are prevented by regular application. This gene can also cause some health problems, such as osteopetrosis, which . They then molt into a protonymph and mate with the adult male (the deutonymph) in order to lay their eggs. Revolution Plus for cats also contains the active ingredient Sarolaner. Selamectin works by enhancing release of a neurotransmitter called GABA. Many different things contribute to the cost of cats, though. I wish I could get you a better anwswer, but heres really not much more you can do other than to have the correct dose ranges. Intestinal worms can be very painful for your cat and may result in vomiting, anemia, and even death. You must Enable Javascriptto run this web page correctly. The main reason for this is that some pets can be at a higher risk of a reaction for some products if the product is given or applied while the pet has an active heartworm infection. That leaves the unlucky 10%. Yes It is important to discuss with your veterinarian if you are planning on using oral medication. still work on this cat? } Revolution Plus is the newest incarnation of Revolution, a product that has been used for cats for many years and is generally a safe and effective product when used properly. } It is a good idea to check with your veterinarian before using it. If you are interested in learning more about why . He completed a rotating internship with Red Bank Veterinary Hospital in New Jersey and now works as a general practitioner in the Washington D.C. area. The Causes of Cracked Skin and the Best Ways to Treat It, Helpful Tips to Travel Long Distance With A Cat, See Also:How to Get Rid of Fleas on Ferrets (A Step-by-Step Guide), 7 Best Flea Powders for Cats Reviews & Top Picks, 8 Best Mange Treatments for Dogs Reviews & Top Picks. There are several different medications that can be used to treat ear mites. In addition to preventing fleas, ear mites, hookworms, and roundworms, Revolution can also be used to treat these conditions if they are already present. An entomology (bug science) professor from the University of California heavily investigated this question and concluded that while resistance has been seen to some flea treatment or prevention products, true chemical resistance in fleas with fipronil, imidacloprid, and some other newer products on the market has not yet been demonstrated. Dr. Vanderhoof is also a copywriter specializing in the animal health field and founder of Paramount Animal Health Writing Solutions, which can be found at Thank you for the information. Is this just for kittens? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. flex-wrap: wrap; Read more Why Your Cat's Nose Is Running (& How to Help). The following article hopes to help you make more suitable choices and get more useful . The dual action formula is unique in its ability to kill both adult fleas and ear mites, as well as their eggs and larvae, preventing re-infestation. To start, REVOLUTION protects against fleas and heartworms which are common parasites that can cause a great deal of harm to your pet. So, if you still see fleas on your pet, its usually not because the product has failed, its because you are still getting immature fleas hatching out of your home. Just remember that whatever anti-parasite product you choose for your pet, ensure you use it regularly and follow the packet instructions to guarantee its effectiveness! } You should consult the advice of a veterinarian before using it in animals that are elderly, unwell, pregnant, or lactating. Avoid smoking, drinking while using the product. This breaks the flea life cycle, preventing re-infestations in and around the home. Using a dose range that is too low carries the risk of not being effective. This educational content is not veterinary advice and does not replace consultation with a qualified veterinarian. Explained. Revolution Plus is approved for use in cats and kittens 8 weeks of age and older. In addition to preventing fleas, ear mites, hookworms, and roundworms, Revolution can also be used to treat these conditions if they are already present. 2000-2023 The medication comes in small pipettes which are formulated for the dogs weight. is there side effects? padding: 15px 5px 15px 5px; .cliverse-medication-title .logo{ Avoid using on sick or debilitated kittens and cats. Be the first to get our latest updates, insider videos, cat health resources, and more. It is effective at killing fleas and preventing further flea infestations, it kills and prevents three different kinds of ticks, prevents mosquito-borne heartworm disease, treats and controls the intestinal parasites hookworms and roundworms, and treats and controls ear mites. In dogs, selamectin is effective against fleas, heartworms, ear mites, scabies, and certain ticks. For more information about the original Revolution product and more insight on how it compares to Revolution Plus, see Revolution for Cats. Products like Revolution Plus are very bitter tasting, so if a kitty were to lick a recently applied product off either themselves or a housemate, the bitter taste alone can lead to excessive drooling, agitation, and sometimes even vomiting. Frontline Plus Cats & Revolution Cats Combo, Revolution for Kittens / Puppies (Pink), 3 DOSES. Because Revolution Plus is a heartworm preventative, it does require a prescription as all heartworm preventatives do. This concentration of selamectin remains in your pets body for up to 30 days after it is first given. Common Names: Answer (1 of 10): Cleaning a cat's teeth is not quite like what happens with humans. A Female is also needed for breeding. Allow the application site to dry. It also treats and controls ear mites, roundworms, and hookworms. Heres what you need to know, The 5 Fastest Ways To Become Rich, According To Experts. I cannot buy single tubes for his weight. When applied, Revolution seeps into the animal's skin and enters the bloodstream. This would be worth reporting to Zoetis, the manufacturer, as perhaps incidents of hair loss have been reported and they could provide better information on any additional steps to take and what to expect. I took in a stray cat and have used revolution plus for the past four months. Should I use Revolution or Advantage II for my pet? Consider holding off on another dose and first confirm what types of intestinal worms youre seeing, as Revolution Plus can only kill certain ones, roundworms and hookworms. These parasites are also responsible for ear infections. Then boyfriend says while he was on the airline home he felt like he was being eaten alive and later I found a flea in my house. Sarolaner allows for Revolution Plus to have a better spectrum of activity against ticks. The second drug is selamectin, providing your flea and heartworm protection. Life Stage: The flea usually found on our pets is Ctenocephalides felis otherwise known as the cat flea. It contains two drugs. A monthly medication is often a good option for pet owners who want to protect their pets from fleas, ticks, ear mites, and heartworm disease. It also prevents and treats biting lice, and eliminates hookworms, roundworms, ear mites, and whipworms. The first reason is that Revolution is a prescription-only medication, meaning that it can only be obtained through a veterinarian. Hi Remember that poison is literally being absorbed into the animal's bloodstream and that is how it is killing the fleas etc. My other 3 cats have no issues with it at all. Simply squeeze the correct amount of Revolution out (depending on your pet's weight) and apply it to the skin just in front of your cat or dog's shoulder blades. It appears to burn him. Fleas are probably the most common parasites that veterinarians see, and are also the one that often troubles owners the most too. font-size: 14px; JavaScript is disabled. Advantage II will give a months protection, so needs re-applying every 30 days. Hi Phylis, Im sorry to hear youre seeing these signs in your kitty. We treated it as asthma *steroids*, but also did a heartworm test and they gave me Revolution in case the test was wrong *she said it's only 75% accurate* and I gave it to her for 2 months. To administer, part the hair on the base of your cats neck between the shoulder blades and apply the tip to the skin in a single spot. Protects against both internal and external parasites, Safe to use in pregnant, and lactating cats. A's cheap seats are about $20. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Hope that helps. My other cat uses Revlution and it seems to work just fine. If you have a flea infestation in your home it can take time and patience to get on top of the problem. Im glad nobody is around when I tell my cat. The results of this will help you decide if your cat needs to be treated with a wormer. As a heartworm preventative, Revolution Plus was found to be 100% effective in preventing the development of heartworms in cats when those cats were exposed to larvae about 30 days prior. This is due to the fact that F1-F3 male . Furthermore, Bengals are a high-maintenance breed, requiring regular grooming and plenty of exercise. Like what we have said above, the type of Persian cat, its gender, fur color, age, history and lineage can also contribute to the cost. But there are many other types of parasites that can affect your cat, including ear mites, heartworms, and hookworms. You can buy the product in packs of 4, 6, or 12 pipettes, and can be purchased over the counter at many pet stores on online retailers. 1. The large round eyes which are typically green or gold lend an overall sweet and friendly expression that can make any cat lover's . An MRI can be an important part of working up a seizure disorder to look for structural abnormalities in the brain, but they tend to be expensive, so not often pursued. The main ingredient in Revolution products is selamectin. When already applied prior to flea exposure, Revolution can start killing fleas within six hours, with a majority killed at 12 hours. It also helps control ear mites and sarcoptic mange by blocking the enzyme that allows these parasites to feed on skin cells. The breeder makes sure that the cats that are going to mate do not have those health issues and that they dont have those health issues in their genes. Selamectin, sarolaner Revolution Revolution Plus For Cats Overview Medication Type: .medication-table .table-row .item-title{ padding: 5px 10px; For cats that exceed 22 pounds, the manufacturer recommends using a second dose in combination as appropriate (i.e., a cat weighing between 23 to 27 pounds would get one 11.1 to 22 pound dose combined with one 2.8 to 5.5 pound dose). font-weight: 700; Revolution all-in-one formula for cats is also useful in the treatment and control of roundworm and hookworm infections. If you have any concerns for potential toxicity, even if you think your kitty might have just licked some Revolution Plus off her fur and is having a bitter taste reaction, it is always best to contact your veterinarian, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (1-888-426-4435), or Pet Poison Helpline (1-855-764-7661) immediately for further advice. } margin: 0; This topical treatment is convenient because it is applied once a month, making it easier for your pet to get a quick dose each month. FDA Approved? Revolution plus for cats kills ticks by attacking the nervous system of these parasites, preventing them from functioning properly. Most of them are in the United States. One of my cats is allergic to Revolution (minor reaction, just got bald spots) so he's on a different product bow. It also helps protect your cat from heartworm, an internal parasite that can cause serious illness and even death. Siamese cats are in high demand, which drives prices up. So, REVOLUTION PLUS should be given to your cat every month, or at least one month before fleas become active. How to I fix this issue? When applied topically, it is rapidly absorbed into your pets bloodstream. Increasing the temperature and humidity in your house can encourage faster hatching as well as the vibrations from hoovering. He completed a rotating internship with Red Bank Veterinary Hospital in New Jersey and now works as a general practitioner in the Washington D.C. area. @media screen and (max-width:480px) { It is recommended that dogs are tested for heartworm before starting treatment with Revolution. Animals can be bathed after 2 hours of application of the product and it does not reduce the effectiveness of it against fleas and heartworms in dogs. While regular Revolution only provides some protection against the American dog tick and is not labeled for this in cats, Revolution Plus has labeled action against not just the American dog tick, but also the black-legged tick that carries Lyme disease, and the Gulf Coast tick. What is Revolution Topical for Cats? The question of flea resistance to products like Revolution Plus and the idea that they dont work comes up often. Unlike other products that protect pets for a short period, this one lasts for 30 days and is applied topically to the back of your cats neck. text-align: center; Cat and kittens 8 weeks of age and older and weighing at least 2.8 pounds. The breeder may choose to 'rent' a male Maine Coon, and those fees can reach into the thousands of dollars. Revolution provides protection against ear mites and scabies in addition tofleas and ticks. Love Revolution. When it comes to choosing between Revolution and Advantage II, there are a few key differences to keep in mind. However, this reportedly affects only 4% of cats, so is very rare. I always worry about strays because we dont know what theyve had exposure to in their past life. padding: 15px 15px 15px 25px; It comes as a liquid in small pipettes which needs to be applied to the skin on the back of the dogs neck/shoulder blades. Additionally, it is safe for pregnant and lactating animals to use, which can be a useful perk if you are breeding your pets. : Two hours later and your pet will be protected against fleas (including their eggs and larvae), heartworm, and other parasites for the next 30 days. The VCA hospital veterinarian gives us their own version I'm not sure if it costs less. How Can You Use Cat Flea Treatment on Dogs? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The gender of the Savannah cat will also determine its cost. It is also worth noting that there is a product calledRevolution pluswhich is a product for cats that has an extra ingredient to help control intestinal roundworm and hookworm as well. These are usually very effective but can have side effects. You should not use it on kittens under eight weeks of age or in pregnant or lactating cats. Frontline Plus and Revolution are two such products. Also, the flea spray provides complete protection from fleas for 3 full months and from ticks for maximum 3 weeks. Both Frontline Plus and Revolution help protect dogs against fleas and ticks. This is because the product is not effective against adult heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis), although it will help reduce the number of immature worms or microfilariae. Its an easy-to-use product and is a quick-drying formulation that wont rub off on clothes or hair. Persians are easily identifiable by their distinctive round face, huge eyes, and long hair, and hail from Iran . Usually, when people think of parasites, they think of fleas. Revolution products can also help to control ear mites, which are pesky, itchy pests that occupy the ear canals, usually of young cats or kittens. 4 Reasons Why Siberian Cats Are So Expensive and Highly Coveted. It works by killing the parasites or preventing them from reproducing. Explained! The 5.6-11 lb dose contains 30 mg of selamectin and 5.0 mg of sarolaner. Your email address will not be published. When deciding on a flea product for your pet, you may decide that a tablet is easier to administer to your dog than a topical liquid spot-on. One of the active ingredients isimidaclopridwhich is a chemical in the neonicotinoid group of insecticides. Gazete Manetleri In cats, the most common species of ear mite is Otodectes cynotis. I've applied two doses when my first kitten was bought home and he is still very rambunctious as ever. : I already have 4 foster kittens so Im stocking up at this price. These 7 Signs Will Help You Find Out. It will protect your pet from fleas, ticks, ear mites, heartworm, and various other parasites for the whole month. My other 3 cats have no issues with it at all. I wish I could remember where I read this. Following are some common errors or misperceptions. Revolution Plus also includes sarolaner, which is an isoxazoline class acaricide/insecticide that inhibits GABA, leading to neuromuscular overstimulation and death of the parasites it targets. Therefore, it is important to be cautious when using these products and make sure that the area where the product was applied is not accessible to the cat. Another example is gender. The manufacturer states that in lab studies, Revolution Plus started to kill the black-legged/deer tick within 24 hours with a little over 90% effectiveness for one month. This parasite just isn't notably fussy and can infect canines, cats, and rabbits, in addition to biting people. The educational cat health content on is written by or reviewed by our team of veterinary experts to ensure that its in line with the latest evidence-based veterinary information and health guidelines. Advantage Multi covers heartworm, fleas, hookworms, roundworms, whipworms, sarcoptic mange, and microfilaria, so it may be worth considering over Revolution if you want a product that covers more worms. There are a few reasons that Revolution for cats is more expensive than other flea and tick medications. My nervous system felt weird is the best way I can remember. At least some of the digestive upset and signs of excessive drooling that may be seen with use of topical products like Revolution Plus may have occurred secondary to cats licking the product off of themselves after application. It can also be used from a slightly younger age (6 weeks in puppies) than Advantage II and is safe to use in lactating and pregnant animals. Reality: Insecticide Resistance in Fleas from DVM360 that refers to an article published in American Veterinarian that same year addresses this topic. However, there are pros and cons with both products and the decision will depend on your own circumstances as to what you are looking for in an anti-parasite treatment.
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