Some Chapters inherit a great deal of the rites and traditions of the culture from which they recruit, while many more are so steeped in their own history and tradition that they are quite unique. Many Chapters consider the Aspirant's spiritual and mental capabilities every bit as important as his physical characteristics and impose Trials not of the body, but of the mind. Some even utilise tactics and weapons inspired by the manner in which their totem creature fights or hunts. They are slow to anger and rarely make a rash decision. Perhaps the single most important consideration in creating your own Chapter is the source of its gene-stock, and how "pure" the Chapter's inheritance is. After this incident, the Space Wolves would forever remain the sole inheritors of the legacy of Primarch Leman Russ. Through the machinations of the Unforgiven's Inner Circle, its members are eternally vigilant, never resting in the hunt for the Fallen -- those Renegade Space Marines who followed the First Legion's second-in-command, Luther, into damnation when they split off from the Dark Angels Space Marine Legion ten-thousand Terran years ago in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy. Amongst other types of Trial, the Ultramarines make extensive use of the Exposure Trial. Warhammer 40k. The solution to the affliction of the Darkness is to create a spiritual darkness of his own within the stasis sarcophagus. Where the Space Marine Legions had once served as the Imperium's primary frontline military forces, that role was given over to the newly created Imperial Guard, which had been created from the remains of the Imperial Army in the wake of the Heresy. No challenge to their status intended. Many are based on a single homeworld and recruit solely from that populace, setting trials and tests for prospective candidates to weed out all but the strongest and the most faithful. As any squad type can be deployed in this manner such tactics rarely dictate a major change in organisation, though the Chapters forges may focus on creating drop pods over other types of vehicle, and as heavy support vehicles are slower to deploy they will focus on infantry assaults over armoured ones. The Imperial Fists constantly feel the need to punish themselves for the smallest inadequacy, failure or infraction. Now that you have all the pertinent information for your new Chapter, the real fun begins! Despite their impeccably pure gene-seed, the Dark Angels have been passed over for many of the Foundings that have created fresh Chapters to fight the Imperium's wars. At first, this hatred is indistinguishable from that of a normal member of the Adeptus Astartes, forming only the staunch disdain required to face them in combat and turn away their insidious advances against the domain of the Emperor. 'Codex' is now a term solely used for army books. The Space Wolves shelved their plans to create any further Successor Chapters after the disastrous failure of their previous attempt, but in the 32nd Millennium, a Wolf Priest named Thrar "Wyrmblade" Hraldir believed he was close to a breakthrough. In other cultures, the Aspirants fight for the honour to be judged worthy, knowing that a great reward awaits the victors. The Black Templars, for example, excel at close combat at the expense of long-range capacity. Many, even brother Astartes, find the Dark Angels aloof and uncommunicative. They abhor pretension and despise politicking. Following the successful eradication of the massive greenskin invasion force and the defeat of its Warlord, the Lord Commander of the Imperium Maximus Thane, decreed that the Imperium would raise as many new Chapters as they had gene-seed in the great vaults of Terra to sustain. This is both insulting and highly unlikely. Most Chapters strive to maintain a standing force of 1,000 Battle-Brothers, plus additional officers and specialists, but the tides of war and disaster rarely allow such a luxury. From left-to-right: An Ultramarines Veteran Marine and Veteran Sergeant. Plenty of worlds feature environments that are inimical to life, yet due to some natural resource or the world's strategic value, humans eke out an existence there nonetheless. Abe Apfel. With a culture that emphasises endurance and self-sacrifice, the Salamanders are renowned for their stubborn nature. The hunt is a test of cunning and determination as much as raw martial prowess, often requiring the Aspirant to track his prey in its own territory. The sort of cultures that spawn people able to reach maturity in such a place are amongst the most valuable recruiting grounds for the Space Marines, for the mere fact of surviving to adolescence marks an Aspirant as amongst the toughest Humanity is capable of producing. Many such flaws are two-edged swords, providing unheard of benefits balanced against terrible drawbacks. Inevitably, in such an environment large sections of the population fall to destitution and anarchy, and while the forges and manufactoria are ruthlessly managed, vast areas of these cities are often abandoned to misrule and neglect as new ones are built. Conversely, perhaps the Chapter's actions earned it the disapproval of some Imperial body. When the Chapter's genetic curse manifests itself in an affected Battle-Brother, it comes on in three stages: Since the death of Chapter Master Orlando Furioso at the hands of the Daemon Prince Periclitor, the Howling Griffons have fostered and nurtured a deep and unrelenting hatred of the Word Bearers, and a vow to seek retribution against them and their lord Periclitor no matter the cost. Every Chapter is entirely autonomous from every other Adepta of the Imperium, including the Inquisition, and takes its orders only from the High Lords of Terra themselves. One must be careful to not make these rivalries too heavy on strife between the various Chapters. are not tanks at all, but the Titans of the Adeptus Titanicus. Such worlds are rarely highly populated, unless hives have been built to house a workforce, and even then, vast tracts of the surface is left untouched and unexplored by all but hardy desert nomads, mutant clans or those who wish to avoid unwanted attention. The Trial might range from the lifting of impossibly heavy loads to the imbibing of toxic substances. 500.M34 and 600.M35. Though he will undergo continuous testing throughout his period as a Neophyte, and often beyond, the first trial the Aspirant must pass to be accepted as a potential Space Marine is by far the most significant. Chapters such as the Black Consuls, Genesis Chapter, Hammers of Dorn, Novamarines, and the Red Scorpions are strong examples of those Chapters that vehemently follow the dictates of Guilliman's treatise to the letter. How does the Chapter govern its home world? Existing Space Marine Chapters might also have a hand in this process, though to what degree varies greatly. Another genetic deficiency that afflicts at least one of the Imperial Fists' Successor Chapters is known as 'Dorn's Darkness'. Other worlds are heavily irradiated, by the processes of industry or by the effects of local celestial phenomena. Those who fall victims to the Darkness are left in the care of the Chapter's Reclusiarch, or senior Chaplain, offering the victims of the Darkness a spiritual treatment that either cures them or ultimately results in their deaths. When creating an original Space Marine Chapter, one must consider the reasons that it was Founded in the first place. If the Chapter conducting the Trial has need of a large number of recruits, the Trial may be ended when a set number of Aspirants are left. This is achieved by means of hypnotic suggestion, prolonged meditation, psychological and spiritual testing, and gradual initiation into the rites and traditions of the Chapter. A divergent Chapter is one that strays from the Codex Astartes, but not by a huge degree. When extracted and cultured, produces new organs. He cast himself into a crusade of redemption that only ended in the terrible crucible of the Iron Cage, re-forging the Legion in the bloody furnace of war. Many simply awaken in an induction-cell, with no knowledge of how they got there or what awaits them. Despite the difficulty in establishing settlements in such places, jungle worlds are valuable for the products that can be synthesised from the myriad of plant forms, from highly effective medicines to elicit narcotics. Aside from the ready source of recruits afforded by the hive-cities, the Chapter has access to a nigh-unending source of munitions, and it is likely that the master of each city is required by ancient law to provide the chapter with a tithe of its industrial output in return for the protection the Chapter's presence affords. When the Chapter's genetic curse manifests in one of its Battle-Brothers, it usually progresses in three stages. Cityfights develop when a city holds some value to both sides in a war, whether military, logistical or simply symbolic. that are all connected in the 40k universe. Listed below are the most common types of worlds from which a Chapter makes their home world. Named for a Terran avian seen by many cultures as the herald of fate and messenger of death, the Raven Guard have served the Emperor faithfully throughout the glories of the Unification Wars, the Great Crusade and the dark days of the Horus Heresy and beyond. The Lost Primarchs of the First Founding Space Marine Legions are the two Primarchs of the IInd and XIth Legions who, for unknown reasons, were deliberately expunged from all known Imperial records and archives before the onset of the Horus Heresy in the early 31st Millennium. The most fortunate and well husbanded of Chapters may be able to field the requisite ten companies, but invariably each will be at least a handful under strength. The nature of the trials set by the outsiders vary enormously, but all are so arduous that only a handful pass them. Younger worlds where Mankind's dominion is not yet fully established, are often host to all manner of hostile lifeforms, including predatory beasts, carnivorous plants and virulent microbes. A suitable home world must be identified, which in all likelihood will provide not only a secure and defensible base of operations for the new Chapter, but a source of new recruits too. It is a religious madness that is often expressed with valor and fearlessness on the battlefield, but it can also turn the Battle-Brother against all creatures touched with the psykers gift, be they friend or foe. is the Exorcists Chapter. The Dark Angels and their Successors (also known as The Unforgiven) have a shadowy past hidden by the weight of history and shrouded in the smoke and blood of the Horus Heresy itself. Those amongst humanity's enemies capable of rational thought are equally quelled by the sight of the Adeptus Astartes, proudly bearing their colours and marching fearlessly onwards. An ocean Hive-World might feature air-sealed hives at the bottom of the sea, or afloat on great man-made islands. In addition, the size and status of the Space Marine Chapters fleet should also be considered. Launching his Indomitus Crusade, Guilliman gifted thousands of Primaris Space Marines to help alleviate the losses suffered by several existing Chapters. The more recent campaigns Armageddon, Eye of Terror are ideal for fanon writers. a homebrew WH40k 9e Army Book for the Astra Militarum: Elysian Drop Troops. The format of the codices has varied somewhat over the years. When triggered produces hyper-cocktail of combat stimms and enhanced rapid fresh regrowth before falling dormant again. The suspect gene-seed of the Traitor Legions was placed under a time-locked stasis seal, although at the time, many believed these dangerous stocks of tainted genetic material had been destroyed. This genetic curse usually comes in three stages: The Marines Errant never refuse the call to arms or the chance to join a crusade against the enemies of the Imperium. $3300. The Red Thirst is the Blood Angels' darkest secret and greatest curse, but it is also their greatest salvation, for it brings with it a humility and understanding of their own failings which make them truly the most noble of the Space Marines. They have a habit of escalating as that which the Imperium seeks to excise proves to be far more widespread than previously thought. New leaders are careful to try to avoid duplicating the name, icon and livery of an existing Chapter. A robust and stalwart battle-brother of the Salamanders Chapter. Such Chapters utilise the universal symbols of death, including their adornment of their armour and vehicles with stylised or actual skulls, and display the bodies of fallen enemy leaders where all their followers may witness their defeat. But keep in mind, this Chapter is the exception, not the norm. Perhaps the most well-known example of a Space Marine home world falling into this category is Macragge, home of the Ultramarines Chapter. Current, valid books: All codices were rendered obsolete by 8th edition Warhammer 40,000. As an Iron Hands Space Marine matures, that hatred and fear grows ever stronger, resulting in more extreme mechanisations of the Astartes' body. The Imperial Fists for example lack the Betcher's gland and sus-an membrane zygotes, their gene-stock having becoming unstable, and this trait has been inherited by many of their Successors, including the Black Templars. Though no Successors have ever been officially confirmed, there is no practical reason why one could not create their own Salamanders Successor Chapter of their own. A suppression might be launched against an alien civilisation that has threaten the Imperium's worlds or in order to forestall an anticipated invasion. If you would like to determine what sort of terrain dominates the Chapter's home world, chose or randomise from amongst the following possibilities. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. Once the VIth Legion of Astartes raised by the Emperor at the dawn of the Great Crusade, the Space Wolves are renowned for their anti-authoritarian ways and their embrace of their homeworld Fenris' savage barbarian culture as well as their extreme deviation from the Codex Astartes in the Chapter's organisation. Viable planets are an invaluable asset to the Imperium, and ones with large amounts of natural and desirable resources are ruthlessly exploited. Chapters such as the Black Consuls, Genesis Chapter, Hammers of Dorn, Novamarines, and the Red Scorpions are strong examples of those Chapters that vehemently follow the dictates of Guilliman's treatise to the letter. In such societies, Trials are all but unnecessary and instead of staging formal tests and challenges the Space Marines simply watch these wars from afar, witness the deeds of the greatest heroes and select the victors as Aspirants. As far as can be ascertained, he has successfully overcome most of the genetic flaws found without the various gene-seed, without sacrificing the unique gifts and traits of each genetic bloodline. Silenced weapons, null-shielded insertions and dampered armour are all utilised so that the enemy has no idea of the Chapter's presence, until the killing blow is delivered. Fleet-based Chapters makes their homes on vast space-going vessels. The Flaw of the Blood Angels has also been attributed to a combination of the genetic defects in the Legion's Omophagea gene-seed organ implant, and the psychic disturbance created during the final seconds of Sanguinius' life. Terminator Armour, Variants and Sub-Patterns. Many of these Chapters travel the galaxy in vast circuits, taking centuries to pass through a single segmentum, while others limit their movements to ancient, hereditary spheres of influence and areas of responsibility. A lightning strike is an assault carried out with such It is usual for the Aspirant to be armed and the Astartes to fight with his bare hands and probably without his Power Armour, yet still the Aspirant has virtually no hope of victory. Often a world will fall before aid can arrive, and the Imperium's armies must force a contested landing in order to reclaim it. While the Battle-Brothers of some Chapters display extremes of character, from hotheaded to taciturn, the Ultramarines are balanced in their approach, and often able to broker agreements between wildly differing points of view. Even a Chapter created using the gene-seed of a Progenitor as pure as the Ultramarines may have developed deficiencies in its genetic inheritance, with some zygotes becoming irreparably unstable over the generations. They originally served as the Imperium's XVIIIth Space Marine Legion during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. If you would like to expand upon the Grey Knights, you could write about a special detachment within the Chapter or something equally interesting. Over ten thousand years of constant warfare throughout the entire galaxy, the Imperium has fought every variation of conflict imaginable. However this is more difficult than may be imagined. This genetic curse manifests itself in only two stages: The Space Wolves have long stood apart from the rest of the Adeptus Astartes. Space Marines are genetically-engineered, armoured killing machines. When it is first implanted within an Aspirant, the genetic sequence will work hideous changes on the warrior's mind and body; they revert to a primal state where their bones split and buckle, thick hair sprouts from across their body and their only desire is to gorge on fresh meat and glut themselves on blood. The Chapter holds the Emperor as the ultimate object of its devotions. Red helmets, for example, are reserved for Sergeants, whilst a white helmet or laurel design denotes Veteran status. Below are listed the most common types of Codex Demeanours found within the Adeptus Astartes: Below, is listed the most common gene-seed deficiencies found within most Adeptus Astartes Chapters: Some Chapters are afflicted by a flaw that transcends mere zygote mutation and comes to totally define them. $30.00 (5 new offers) Ages: 8 years and up. See more ideas about space marine art, warhammer 40k artwork, space marine. It may be that insurgent or pirate activity has reached such a pitch that the local government cannot contain it any longer and the security of an entire sub-sector is threatened. Thus, a Chapter of the Twenty-Sixth Founding could actually have a "purer" genetic inheritance than one of the Sixth, for example, depending on which Progenitor or Successor provided the gene-stock. The Primaris Marines, however originally engineered by the Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl on the orders of Roboute Guilliman are implanted with a further three additional organs. This is an attitude that developed as a consequence of the Salamanders' own unusually close connections to the Nocturnean people, as they are one of the only Chapters of Astartes who continue to interact with their families and the people of their homeworld after their transformation into Space Marines. Such environments range from sub-zero ice wastes, impenetrable swamps and arid deserts to exotic death world jungles, methane sumps and hydrocarbon oceans. Gene-seed plays little role in defining the character of a Chapter, so creating your own Primarch will only lead to your chapter losing credibility. The two tables presented below provides some ideas for the various elements of the name should you need some inspiration. The warrior's body mass grows by up to eighty percent, many of the bones fuse, and canine fangs sprout from his gums. The unique gene-seed of the Space Wolves, altered as it was by the inclusion of what is known as the Canis Helix, had both its advantages and disadvantages, making them at once more animalistic than their fellow Astartes -- a factor which made them uncommonly talented hunters and ferocious killers -- but also more readily prey to the power of their own instincts and drives. It is a hatred which simmers in the heart of every Howling Griffon battle-brother but one which can spill over in times of madness and consume them and their every thought. There are no such thing as Gue'vesa Space Marines. They make ideal Space Marine recruits, and whole gangs of city-scum are sometimes hunted down and made to undergo the Trials. Wars of secession, fought between rival factions each believing themselves the rightful heirs to the rulership of an Imperial world, reduce entire planets to wastelands even without the actions of hostile invaders or rebellious elements. As such, even Chapters that regard themselves as the most dedicated followers of Guilliman's wisdom may favour one approach over another. The Imperium is a harsh place, nice people don't live long. Should the home world face invasion, the Space Marines may revert to direct rule for the duration of the emergency, or at the very least have the power to issue grand strategy to the worlds indigenous armies. Below is a chart that shows the most common figures of legend. The Battle-Brothers of the Carcharodons Chapter file their teeth to sharp points to replicate those of their own totem creature. When the Dark Angels do undertake joint operations alongside other Chapters, it is quite common for them to do so with others amongst the so-called "Unforgiven" -- the Successors of the original Dark Angels Legion. Yes, in rare and dire circumstances, temporary alliances have been formed to fight off a greater, more imminent threat. There would be no need for them to create some sort of 'secret' Chapter, as they would instead, add these additional Space Marines to their already existing Legion. Mar 12, 2021 - Explore Christopher McBride's board "Homebrew Chapters" on Pinterest. Inside this book, you'll find: - The history of the Space Marines, with a look at how these genetically engineered warriors annihilate the enemies of the Emperor with terrible . Some employ the same scheme across the entire Chapter, while others modify it or change it entirely depending on the squad and company a Battle-Brother is serving in. Some Trials are watched over closely by the servants of the Chapter, who judge the Aspirant every step of the way. A variation of the hunt requires a number of Aspirants to hunt a single target, though only one may claim victory. These are merely a fraction of the possibilities you can create: With all the turmoil and problems that each Chapter's beliefs and dogmas can bring, the ability to overcome these things in the service of the Imperium is where your Chapter can really shine. If a Carcharodon were to lose his grip on sanity, these traits would likely amplify with unpleasant results. If you are truly stuck for an original idea, you can always try your luck here, here or here, by utilising this handy Space Marine Chapter Name Creator, created by the Bolter and Chainsword forum. The Aspirant may be plunged into a trance-like state during which he is subjected to all manner of horrific visions or irresistible temptations. Contact with other planets and peoples is relatively common, amongst the upper echelons of society at least, and the people see themselves as subjects of the greater Imperium. While in the midst of this radical and severely painful transformation, a warrior must overcome the shadow within himself, lest they are overcome and fall to the Curse of the Wulfen and become a giant, feral creature no longer sane or human. The Chapters that rigidly follow the word of the Codex Astartes are sometimes referred to as "Codex-compliant Chapters" or even simply "Codex Chapters." Despite such incidents, many Dark Angels have served with distinction and honour. One this page are listed some examples of Space Marine battle cries, which the player might like to bellow when his character is engaging a particularly fearsome enemy! Many Challenge Trials involve a test of martial skill, with the Aspirant fighting an armed duel against a Battle-Brother. Any foe foolish enough to resist further is likely to be the subject of such a devastating bombardment that no stone is left standing upon another, and very little remains for the ground troops to engage. Because they tend to recruit from a variety of sources, fleet-based Chapters are more unlikely than any other type to inherit the ways of the communities it recruits from. Codex Supplements have their parent faction noted in brackets. Some Trials are so arduous that the simple fact of an Aspirant's surviving it is sufficient to pronounce his victory. Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Astra Militarum, 8th Edition Codex: Chaos Space Marines (2nd Edition), 8th Edition Codex: Space Marines (2nd Edition), Heretic Astartes, Chaos Daemons & Questor Traitoris, Craftworlds, Drukhari, Ynnari, Harlequins & Necrons, Orks, Tau Empire, Tyranids & Genestealer Cults, 6th Edition Codex: Adepta Sororitas (iBook), 5th Edition Codex: Sisters of Battle (White Dwarf), Dark Angels (2nd Edition) (Space Marines), Tau, Astra Militarum and Assassins Updates, Eternal War, Maelstrom of War, Altar of War & Echoes of War, 7th Edition Sanctus Reach Campaign/Planetstrike, Black Templars, Salamanders, Speed Freeks, Armageddon Imperial Guard, 4th Edition Codex: Space Marines; Black Templars; Orks and 5th Edition Codex: Imperial Guard, Lost and the Damned, Ulthw Strike Force, Cadian Shock Troops, 13th Company, 4th Edition Codex: Eldar; Chaos Space Marines and 5th Edition Codex: Imperial Guard; Space Wolves, Update and compilation of fliers and anti-aircraft units for, Rules for models for all races, stopgap measure until the, Rules for Forge World models not covered by the other volumes, All Astra Militarum (both Imperial and Chaos) and Imperium. More cynical minds might wonder if the mysteries of the Red Scorpions' past and their origins might also have something to do with their fanatical desire to prove their loyalty and that they are beyond the reproach of their peers. Others might seem so at first glance, but with a little imagination can be combined. The name associated with this Chapter say to reader that a particular theme is quite obvious (Can you say Spartans?) The Blood Angels suffer such a fate, for their own flaw is at once the source of their nobility and drive for perfection in all things, and the curse that forces them to relive the dying moments of their beloved Primarch in the heat of battle. Their spiritual health is also maintained, to ensure that no trace of the influence of the Ruinous Powers becomes manifest. The Chapter Master holds the same powers as a planetary governor, indeed, potentially more for his political and military force is far greater. Many Chapters, however, do not adhere so rigidly to the Codex patterns laid down for the organisation or other processes. In others, mutations come about as an unanticipated side effect of an attempt to rectify another issue. Therefore, the community has agreed, that there shall only be Primaris Space Wolves Successor Chapters. Many Chapters lay claim to a particular home world, yet are rules in name only. Countless races have erected settlements that have in some cases grown to encompass entire continents.
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