document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Online Christian Articles and Information Hub. 21. . Every curse of the witches, demons and wizards to make me keep being a victim of the evil spirit of the devourer, Lord I break such curses in Jesus name. I decree that henceforth all my labor shall bring me good profit, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Bible Verses About Protecting The Environment, Bible Verses About Protecting The Innocent, Bible Verses About Protecting The Vulnerable, Bible Verses About Pretending To Be Someone Else, Bible Verses About Proclaiming The Word Of God, Bible Verses About Praying For Lost Souls, Bible Verses About Premarital Relationships, Bible Verses About Practicing What You Preach, Bible Verses About Praising God In Hard Times, Bible Verses About Praising God With Music, Bible Verses About Poverty And Homelessness, Bible Verses About Power In The Name Of Jesus, Bible Verses About Practice Makes Perfect, Bible Verses About Plagues In The Last Days KJV, Bible Verses About Plagues In The Last Days, Bible Verses About Physical Pain And Healing. The more we are exsposed to the Word, the cleaner we become on the inside, and the more we pray, the more the fire of God burn in us. I will and did use the scripture to ask the Lord to rebuke the devourer, as his word said he would. Every hiding place and secret place of witchcraft in my family, be exposed by fire, in the name of Jesus. 20. Pray for yourself. I claim my life back today in the Jesus name. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website. 13. All I ask you to do, is to agree with me as I pray, and together we will seek our Heavenly Father. Every witchcraft pot, using remote control against my health break into pieces, in Jesus name. I reverse every witchcraft burial, fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus. Destructive spirits constantly seek to ruin peoples lives, marriages, businesses, families, career, faith, health, self-esteem, etc. Prayers. It is an instrument of the devil to make a person toil round for years without destiny fulfillment. Today we shall be engaging in prayer points against devouring spirits. No one Else could smell it. Do you seem to gather little after so much effort? 13. I dont know what else to do. God profoundly created all, therefore he controls/ defeats all forces. Color/ bank account size/ doesnt phase God. Holy Ghost, visit the camp of my enemies with your consuming fire, and burn down their stronghold, in Jesus name. O Israel, I will testify against you. Here Are 15 Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Sleep. Refusal to pay tithes and offering is like giving the devil a legal ground over your finances. Devouring spirit is usually attracted to ones life if the person refuses to pay his or her tithes and offerings as stated in Malachi 3. 4. Your blog has always been useful to me. Every stubborn spirit, chasing after my life; stumble and die, in Jesus name. I declare that I have confessed all my past sins and mistakes. Idol worshipers of my father's house, bow to the name of Jesus. Do not spend your money alone, be a giver, give in your church and also give to the poor. But as we engage this deliverance prayer against ancestral spirits, every strongman in your family shall give way in Jesus name. Prayer of Renunciation and Deliverance. 6. I must share my profound power relies in God. Make me a battle ax and hot coal in your hands and surround me with an impenetrable wall of fire. 7. The enemy is defeated by Christ. If the devil can get you to believe his smoke and mirrors and get over into fear, doubt, and unbelief, then hes got you. Does this word speak to your situation today? Profession of Faith. God is the beginning and the end. But, if you havent found a local church yet, then yes, you can tithe to wherever you are fed. If you are working hard to put something together, the evil spirit of the devourer is trying hard to scatter it. Witchcraft opposition, receive the rain of affliction, in the name of Jesus. I command every evil spiritual clock to be destroyed by the Holy Ghost fire, in the name of Jesus. Im tired of this. Thank you Lord for the revelation and tool. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It was this same old spirit that destroyed everything that Job had, and would have killed him if not for Gods intervention. Father Lord, scatter and destroy the power of devouring spirit and limitation, in the name of Jesus. Every evil problem in my life that originated because of the spirit of devourer. I trust God to bring me out of all kinds of evil & attacks upon my life & the lives of my family members. I just want to say a big AMEN! Let me know if you have any questions! Some Prayer Points. Welcome to the prayer to defeat and crush the harassment of the enemy. A lot of people become rich and after a while, they suddenly go back to poverty, there once thriving business, just crashes mysteriously, this is because someone has invoked a devouring spirit against them. ( 1 Peter 5:8-9 NKJV. To be sober means to be clear headed, not intoxicated or under the influence of any intoxicants. 3. PRaising him continually and asking for help to worship in spirit and in truth that the meditations of our heart are pleasing to him. My marriage will bring people to God! Thou terrible fire of God, consume the means of transportation of my household witchcraft, in Jesus name. Evil sacrifice done to appease the gods of my father's house, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. Prayer against ancestral spirit in my life, things are not too good, i need God favour in my job and marriage. The Lord showed me today that many of you have been having the enemy attack you with threats of devouring whats yours. Pray this prayers with faith this morning and expect your instant testimonies. 12. Every decision, vow and covenant of household witchcraft, affecting me, be nullified by the blood of Jesus. Evil spirits are of numerous types and one particularly evil one is the evil spirit of devourer. This is a prayer I've put together where I would like to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice. May the two-edged sword of Your Word. 14. The psalmist calls upon God to bring destruction to the enemy and oppressors. Prayer Points Against Devouring Spirit Malachi 3:11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts. Let me not be ashamed, O Lord; for I have called upon thee: let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave. Father, I ask that you wash my spirit, soul and body with the blood of the Lamb. 4. Altar of darkness where my blessings are being hijacked and distributed, I command you to catch fire now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Hi Jamie, Prayer to the Patron Saints. My Father, let every idolatry name affecting my . Your tithe gives you the right, 100% of the time, to ask the Lord to rebuke the devourer for your sakeand He will do it. As a matter of fact, if you are a retired officer and your pension has been delayed for whatever reason, you need to take these 30 prayer points against devouring spirit more seriously. I reject every spirit of trial and errors in my life in the name of Jesus. 1. Every idolatry powers that wants me to bow to them before I can make it in life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. Hi Jamie Every damage done into my life by evil spirits from the demonic realm be repaired today in Jesus name. 6. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this, says the Lord of hosts, If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it. Trending post: Prophetic Word for March 2023. Pray! 22. Psalm 23 also Lord restore my soul. This is an error that must be corrected now. Every trap, set for me by witches, begin to catch your owners, in Jesus name. I forbid any satanic backlash or retaliation against me and my family in the name of Jesus. Dear Almighty God, I can feel that there's a real spiritual battle going on against my life and . Satan, I bind you and all spirits of death, desolation, destruction, devastation, waste and famine sent against _____ to steal, kill and destroy through poverty; idolatry; adultery; defiling the land through fires, winds, whirlwinds, floods, earthquakes, storms and accidents; traumas and tragedies; through . On Kindle Scribe. This prayer points against devouring spirits will empower you to place the devil where he belongs, under your feet in Jesus name. Thank you! Confessions of An Unlikely Worship Leader, Dimensions of Destiny: A Study of Divine Alignment, Getting to Know the Sevenfold Holy Spirit, How to Heal from Rejection and Abandonment, Praying the Names of God: The Ultimate FREE Guide. Let my God arise and scatter every ancestral spirit binding my family members in the name of Jesus. Enabled. Page Flip. In the name of Jesus Christ, I decree that all that devouring spirit has taken from my business be restored now. You must be a man or woman whose resources is used to bless the body of Christ and the poor around you. Worthy of God: Are Your Dreams Big Enough? 4. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Father, arise and dismantle every curse, spell, declaration, and incantations of the wasters over my life, in the name of Jesus. This word is definitely for me. I want to encourage you in the area of obeying God in your finances. The spirit of destruction is a destructive spirit that is desperately determined to destroy or ruin your life. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.. Praying against every spirit of blockage and barriers. Therefore, I am forgiven; I am clean; and I am free in the sight of the Lord. The spirit of devourer shall not have any power over my family, me or my children in Jesus name. Shaila Touchton. 1:7). Well spoken! I reverse every proclamation made against me and my family, in Jesus name. 25. As I continue to advance in my career and climb up the career ladder, Lord, protect my accomplishments from the evil spirit of devourer in the name of Jesus. I have had 5 jobs stolen from me in the last decade. Every spirit of the devourer that wants to eat up all my hard work so that I have nothing to show for it in the future, I reject them today in the name of Jesus. 2. God bless you 20. Blessings to you! And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field, says the Lord of hosts; And all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a delightful land, says the Lord of hosts (Malachi 3:10-12). Pray against every devouring spirit assigned against any form of increase and storage PRAYERS OF BLESSINGS 3rd John 1:2 - " Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth " After I found a church, I simply transferred my tithe there. Don't participate in the darkness of wild parties and drunkenness, or in sexual promiscuity and immoral living, or in quarreling and jealousy.". Also pray for our enemies like Christ said FOrgive them, they know not what they do. Thanks for giving me life through the cross! The devourer cannot have me and my family! I renounce and break all evil demonic holds, and i loose myself and all my descendants from them, in the name of Jesus. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.". #1. Every communication system of my household witches, be frustrated, in the name of Jesus. Every problem in my life caused by the spirit of the devourer, I decree that they receive an instant divine solution in the name of Jesus. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. 2. Every of my blessings, my divine blessings from heaven that the devil and his evil spirit of devourer has ceased, I snatch them back by the power of God today in Jesus name. This type of evil spirit does not have any place in the life of a Christian. In the name of Jesus, I break any curse of failure from the womb in Jesus name. LAstly, in Kings 13 prayers to God for him and his hand to destroy any altar formed against and wither any outstretched hand. Beautifully written. Father Lord, forgive me of any sin that may cause blockage to my prayers, in the name of Jesus. Then, when you are right with God and are not cherishing sin in your heart, you can legally ask God to kick the enemy out of your life. Every agent of darkness, seeking to break my marriage; I command you to flee and never come back, in Jesus name. 2. I break every demonic circle in my life, in the name of Jesus. 2.Hence, In the name of Jesus, Holy Spirit fire, begin to arrest the spirit of . I am who You say I am! Every trap set by the spirit of devourer to make me stagnant in life, such traps are destroyed by the fire of God in Jesus name. It has also been making me feel like others are out to get me. Any witchcraft curse, working against me, be revoked by the blood of Jesus. It was like a house on fire. Ive forgiving others that have harmed and and mistreated me. This kind of spirit may never give up until it has completely destroyed its target. Are you presently experiencing financial struggle despite the fact that you work so hard for long hours? 13. Thou terrible fire of God, consume the means of transportation of my household witchcraft, in Jesus name. I bear the mark of Christ, no evil power shall be able to touch or harm me, in Jesus name. Every anti-Christ spirit, working against my life, die, in the name of Jesus. I pray that your will and not mine will be done from now and always, in Jesus name. 1029 KB. More interestingly, God promised in Joel 2 :25 that HE will restore unto us the years the locust has eaten and HE further assured that we will eat and be satisfied, therefore, it is sure according to the Word of God that as we pray these 30 prayer points against devouring spirit, God will rebuke the devourer for our sakes and HE will restore every good thing that they have stolen from our lives and finances in Jesus Mighty name. Another action you must take is to pray vehemently. My father is free to lead! 11 I know all the birds of the hills, and all that . I confess and renounce every occult participation, in Jesus' name. You will also learn about how you can gain victory over financial devourer. This was right on time..When I was in my quiet time with the Lord today all of a sudden I started smelling smoke. Romans 8:15. [2022 Updated], 100 Prayer Points To Overcome Trials And Tribulations, 5 Things That Can Hinder God From Answering Prayer. Set me free from mind-attack and seal the door of my mind against the enemies of positive thoughts. Thank you Jamie! Father, please restore to me, everything that destructive spirits have destroyed in my life, in Jesus name. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 18:13). I used to tithe to Joyce Meyer Ministries before I found a local churchbecause that was where I was fed. My God,!!!!!! Father, I thank you for answering my prayers in Jesus name. The operation of the devouring spirit can be likened to the situation of a person putting money and other valuables in a licking pocket, it is sure that all the valuables and money will be lost. 127:1. No weapon fashioned against me in any form by the devil either through an evil spirit of devourer shall come to have power over my life again in the name of Jesus. My loving Father, my Jesus Christ, Saviour and Redeemer of our sins, and my Holy Spirit, have mercy and compassion on all of these, your children, the innocent ones trapped in this malice of sin and the ones who commit these crimes. Your email address will not be published. 23:29). pieces, in the name of Jesus. The devil is not happy when the works of our hands prosper. 10. Thank you Lord! 14. Prayer Points. I break and loose myself from every inherited evil covenant, in the name of Jesus. This is very important because through knowledge is the only way you can be delivered, Proverbs 11:9. It is the obvious that the devil does not want anything good to happen in the life of a Christian, he doesnt want to see you happy and fulfilled, hence he is always seeking your downfall. Also, another way you can attract a devouring spirit into your life is by being stingy. John 14:27. Every generational curse that has been passed down from generation to generation that is causing me to be a victim of the devourer spirit, I reject them today in Jesus name. I do not give to you as the world gives. Every problem in my life, that originated from witchcraft, receive divine instant solution, in the name of Jesus. Thank you for sharing! A prayer to cancel the spirit of devourer. Before we go to the prayers, lets see what are the factors that cause devouring spirit to feast on our labor and what are the solutions. I command the spirit of death and hell to loose its hold upon my life, in the name of Jesus. Henceforth, let my thoughts reflect only positive things. Enabled. Father, by the blood of Jesus correct any inherited defect in my body, in the name of Jesus. Jamie, I am redeemed from destruction ( Psalm 103:4 ). You havent put two and two together, but the Lord wants to expose the war against you today. It is often said that a prayerless Christian, is a powerless Christian. Required fields are marked *. If the answer to any of these questions are yes, then it could be an indication of the operation of devouring spirit. 1. The only way to harm them is by praying in the name of Jesus. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. Father, I am nothing without you; step into my situation and intervene on my behalf, in Jesus name. I reverse every witchcraft burial, fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus. I receive God's unction and power upon my tongue, in the name of Jesus. I break and loose myself from every inherited evil curse, in the name of Jesus. I stay in the strong tower which is the name of the Lord. Devouring spirit is a wicked spirit that ensures that people do not have good results to show for their financial activities or labor. You are an Angel whose Wings will Soar your Heart loves and will 4ever continue to grow and Explore , You are Deeply Loved Accepted and Eternally Approved of. Thank you so much I received this message and I repented The devil will not steal my blessing my mind my family My Joy my soul the devil have no control over me god have control over my body mind soul and I rebuke every evil spirit Come against me and try to make me lose my blessings its not going to happen God is in control of my life Im asking God to forgive me for anything I have did or said or made him feel some type of way I get frustrated a lot but Im not gonna lose my faith Im gonna fight back with the enemy in Jesus name amen. And even if they do, wicked oppressors and rulers are judged. I cover my whole family in the blood of Jesus, we are protected from the spirit of devourer in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, I break loose from all evil curses, chains, spells, jinxes, bewitchments, witchcraft or sorcery which may have been put upon me. We as beleivers are to be wise as serpents, harmless as doves and not repay evil for evil but overcome evil with Good. I am covered in the blood of Jesus from every evil spirit of the devourer in the name of Jesus. Required fields are marked *. Grace to always see you as being there for me, give me in Jesus name, 5. Baptize me with the Holy Ghost and fire (Luke 3:16). Father Lord, scatter and destroy the power of devouring spirit and limitation, in the name of Jesus. O Lord my God, confuse every power that is fighting against me, in Jesus name. Until you know your divine status in Christ you will continue to be a victim of ancestral Spirits. Can I give my tithe to a missionary or to your ministry for example? Every attempt to ruin my joy and happiness, I frustrate you in the name of Jesus. I command every foul, unclean spirit that may have attached . Prophetic Word: Increase Your Faith and Expectation! I receive the power from on high to be steps ahead of my enemies. TOPICS: Daily Fire Prayers Points Against Financial Famine. Prayers Against the Spirit of Destruction: I bind and cast out the spirit of Apollyon (Abaddon) in the name of Jesus ( Revelation 9:11 ). Every evil attack of witchcraft in my life in any form that wants to devour my progress in my life, I reject them in the name of Jesus. 2. Devouring spirits are spirits that destroy the works of your hands. Thank you for helping to expose the tricks of the enemy. No weapon fashioned against me in any form shall prosper in the name of Jesus. Fill the following form: You have entered an incorrect email address! While you are working hard to gather, they are busy scattering. I will not lose myself to any evil spirit of devourer in Jesus name. My Uncle all of sudden been back and forth to the hospital. When you do, you will see that the enemy has been trying to: The enemy has particularly been trying to devour your effectiveness for the Gospel.